Escaping Oneself: The Path to True LiberationWe are at a unique crossroads in human existence, a moment in time where it is no longer possible to continue life as we have known it. The…9h ago9h ago
Responsible for the Whole WorldIn today’s globally integrated and mutually interdependent world, our survival depends on building and sustaining a form of connection that…2d ago2d ago
Spiritual Place and TruthThe concept of a spiritual place refers to a space imbued with certain unique and transcendental qualities that align with the essence of…3d ago3d ago
Yearning for Lishma – The Pursuit of Perfect Love and ServiceIn one moment, the “I” exists as it always has – immersed in self-interest and individuality – yet in the next, this “I” fades away…4d ago4d ago
Chess Game of BestowalWe live in a globally interconnected and interdependent world, created and governed by a single, unique, and deterministic force. This…5d ago5d ago
Reaching Arvut through the TorahThe journey to achieving Arvut – a state of selfless and altruistic mutual responsibility and guarantee – stands as one of the most…5d ago5d ago
Mutual Interdependence in ExistenceI have come to sense, with piercing clarity, that without others, I cannot truly exist. Life is not an isolated endeavor but a seamless…Jan 18Jan 18
Action and Intention: The Path to True Human PotentialOur purpose in life transcends the ordinary and mundane. At its core, our mission is to reveal and connect with the single, unified source…Jan 17Jan 17
FalsehoodFalsehood is the sensation of being far from our ultimate destination, even when we are firmly on the path and tantalizingly close. It is…Jan 162Jan 162
Spiritual PleasureOur lives are often consumed by the relentless pursuit of personal pleasures, driven by an inherently self-centered, self-serving, and…Jan 15Jan 15