Zionism needs to align with the unique Jewish purpose in the world!
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
Modern Zionism: Embracing complexity, building a shared future — opinion
My comment:
If “Zionism” is “only” about providing a safe place for Jews where they can have a “good life” and escape antisemitism, it will not be enough to attract Jews to move to Israel or stay there when things get tough.
If “Zionism” is “only” about building a strong and prosperous country for all, the call to rise above diversity and unite against differences will not be heard.
Our inherently argumentative, self-serving, self-justifying, and exploitative nature will always break the unity and incite “unfounded hatred” between us.
In order to make “Zionism” successful, we need a stronger and clearer overall goal while we also need the ability to start acting and behaving above and against our inherent nature.
We have both.
Jews need to live in the Land of Israel in order to establish a unique Nation that functions based on mutual guarantee, where each Jew becomes 100% selflessly and unconditionally responsible for each and every other Jew, where the whole becomes more important than the individuals, in order to show a shining positive example to humanity on how to survive and prosper above and against the inherently cancer-like human ego.
To achieve that, we received a unique practical method that can help us recognize our destructive inherent nature to develop a true need to change ourselves and also provide the unique tools and forces to perform this fundamental self-change.
Only when we align Zionism with our national purpose and use the right method will we become successful.