Zionism does not work without fulfilling our original national purpose!
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
Our heritage and justification to have the right to exist in our homeland is not complete without mentioning the very purpose this nation was created, for which the original group of people around Abraham assembled and for which purpose our predecessors accepted the Torah.
Without this purpose, more precisely fulfilling this purpose, we will never be able to convince anybody about anything since the main reason and driving force is missing.
Without our original, obligatory, and evolutionary (or God-given) purpose, we are just other people who want to claim a piece of land by using different arguments others can just as easily refute and reject.
Only when we prove that “Zionism” is an element of fulfilling our national purpose for the sake of humanity will people — even our enemies- recognize and accept our right to exist in the Land of Israel.
Our purpose is to show everybody, through our own positive example, how it is possible — with the help of the method of the Torah — to correct and transform our inherently and 100% selfish, egotistic and hateful human nature in a way that we can exist in unity and mutually complementing integration, covering the instinctive “unfounded hatred” with a special and methodically acquired “brotherly love” with the help of unique forces we harness through the method of the Torah.
Since we ourselves have forgotten our own method, we need to relearn and practice this “supernatural” unity and mutual guarantee so we can then pass it to everybody else.