Your idea sounds very much like what Sting sang at the peak of the original Cold War in his famous song “Russians”, “hoping that the Russians love their children too” and as a result, they will not unleash a nuclear war.
Well they did not unleash the 3rd World War and we sort of escaped the Cold War but I do not think it was because either the Russians or the Americans loved their children. (As we can see especially the Americans are very busy resurrecting the Cold War 2.0)
First of all, many world leaders, famous “experts” are childless as they are too obsessed with their power or their work to have proper families. Moreover, what we learn through history is that our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, proudly individualistic, and insatiable egos are ready to consume and sacrifice anything for what they want.
The reactions, the so-called “solutions” to the pandemic, the already destructive violent weather changes as a result of climate change show a very sharp and depressing example of how much we are incapable of changing our egocentric, subjective calculations, worldview even when our own health, survival depends on it. Our ego is simply incapable of long-term calculations especially in its maximally developed modern form, we want immediate pleasures regardless of the consequences.
And when we start to understand the actual, true solution — changing ourselves instead of changing, correcting, canceling others — the whole thing stops as we would do anything and everything, except to accept the need to change ourselves and implement such self-changes.
This is why humanity’s survival depends on a unique, sensitive, willing minority, a so-called “critical mass” that recognizes and accepts the need for self-change, to learn how to harness, control the ego’s awesome power towards positive, constructive, mutually beneficial, collective goals, purpose like the cells and organs of our own biological body.
Then these unique pioneers — building new, healthy human cells, environments — will become the rescue boats for the rest, fast sinking on the Titanic of our modern, global human civilization — while the rest will gradually soften, subdue themselves as a result of increasing blows, intolerable suffering.
Only this combination of a shining positive example pulling from ahead and an intolerable, negative pressure pushing from behind can advance us towards a better future. At this stage, each person can decide which group they want to belong to — join the consciously developing, responsible group of pioneers, or stay with the passive, blindly instinctive, suffering masses?!