Without war, there is no true peace
Question from the Internet:
“Is it wars that create peace after they’re over?”
In a certain way, yes. Life, our own perception of reality is based on contrast, based on the uniquely balanced interaction between two vastly opposing forces, qualities.
Without cold there is no warmth, without separation, there is no connection, without hate there is no love and without war, there is no peace. Until we sense both opposing, contradicting qualities “viscerally” against each other at the same time, we are living in an illusion feeling, tasting “as if connection”, “as if love” but not the real, actual sensation.
Without the ruthless, exclusive competition, the war between vastly diverse, seemingly incompatible enemies we cannot enjoy true peace, which is a mutually complementing wholeness, perfection between those opposing, incompatible parts above and despite their “warring” differences.
Fortunately, it does not mean that we have to go through actual wars, actual blows before we build peace. We can recognize and conduct this war of opposites “internally”, fighting it out inside of us, complementing our inherently warring, fiercely competitive, egotistic and individualistic nature with a unique “peaceful”, uniting, interconnecting quality, a force we can “borrow” from Nature’s life-giving, life-sustaining system.
And if we are successful in this inner war, consciously recognizing and neutralizing our destructive instincts, inclinations, then we can interconnect with others and build true peace.
This process can be facilitated by a unique, purposeful and practical method based on Nature’s integral template and Nature’s laws that sustain, govern the general balance and homeostasis life depends on. This method can help us find such all-important, attractive mutual goals, purpose, reward that can provide the fuel, motivation for this “inner war”.
With mutually supportive and mutually complementing cooperation, by using the suitable method we can all succeed.