Without a true, Natural purpose, there is no point in life
Question from the Internet:
“Is there anything great anymore? All this pro inclusivity nonsense turned everything into a pro inclusivity blob of stale homogeneity, where do you find anything that is actually about a subject these days?”
I agree with you. The general direction in society today is to build a homogenous mass of “humanoids” that can fit the agenda of a single, global consumerism market and are easily manipulated with single, well-tuned propaganda machinery.
Moreover, we do not really have a clue about who we actually are, where we should be heading. The other answers you received urge you to look “elsewhere”, read books, meaning go towards the past and find some subject, greatness there.
But that is not helpful, those subjects, interests, that greatness was preceding our age of losing direction, finding ourselves locked into a dead-end regarding human development. This is why the masses blindly accept the brainwashing Matrix of “inclusivity”, feeling themselves safer in this homogenous mass in times of danger, threat, without any future direction or hope. So they all readily swallow the cheap “circus and bread entertainment or swallow actual drugs to take their minds away from reality.
We will not escape this “death spiral” — which can literally become like that when we descend into chaos, wars, social breakdown, loss of water and food on a global scale — unless we consciously, methodically research, find and fulfill our actual, real, evolutionary Human purpose in Nature’s system. That is our only escape path from this nihilism, aimlessness, emptiness which infected all of us virally.
Without knowing why we live, who we are, why we are actually called “Human beings”, what our role is in Nature’s perfect, integral system we do not have a purpose in life and this will cause increasing mental, psychological pain, and harm to us and as a result, we will inflict harm on each other.