Without a Nature-like mutual guarantee, integration in Nature we feel miserable

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readDec 10, 2020


Question from the Internet:

“Why in comparison to animals many human beings seem miserable, it seems that many humans are very wretched and do not benefit from their lives and that only a minority live their lives fully without restriction?”

Contentment, happiness means being in balance, homeostasis with one’s environment.

Animals — as well other parts, elements of Nature — are instinctively integrated, compatible with Nature’s overall balance, they are all automatically parts of the perfect “circle of life" of the Natural system.

This is so much so, that for animals leaving the mother’s womb through birth doesn’t make any difference.

They feel themselves in the same protective, caring environment as within the womb. They all instinctively feel their roles and even when the prey is hunted, eaten by the predator, they subconsciously know they are fulfilling their role for the whole system which they all feel integral part of.

For Humans being born, being rejected from the mother’s womb is the greatest tragedy.

Even if we are cared for by beautiful, doting parents, even if we can live a privileged life, our fulfilment, balance is not guaranteed, and we all feel ourselves in a hostile world where we have to constantly compete, fight for survival and resources and we all succeed — knowingly, unknowingly — at each other’s expense, especially in today’s globally integrated, interdependent world.

This is why we are miserable, the more pleasures, resources we hoard, accumulate the more unhappy we become, as we don’t feel the balance and homeostasis that comes from “Nature-like" integration, mutual guarantee, mutually complementing cooperation.

This is all purposeful from Nature’s evolution. Humanity has a unique, unparalleled part to play in the system, to become Nature’s only conscious, independent observers, witnesses.

This is why we had to be born and develop outside of Nature’s “circle of life", forced to live an individualistic, selfish, egocentric life until we realize the urging, unavoidable need to achieve mutual integration with each other, and integration with Nature.

By achieving this integration consciously, purposefully, through our own efforts, we acquire the above mentioned unique, Human evolutionary role. Since we become part of Nature’s circle of life by ourselves, even after integrating we don’t disappear, dissolve in the system like animals.

Our unique, independent viewpoint remains and thus we become the system’s only conscious, insider observers.




Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.