Without a “family-like” environment we can’t develop in a Humane way
Question from the Internet:
“Is family a universal social institution?”
Family is the most fundamental building block of society. It is not a human invention as we can see how animals also organize their “communities” around a basic model we can call family.
Without a solid partnership that is responsible for the procreation, proper upbringing of the offsprings, both an animal, and a Human society becomes undeveloped.
We know from a vast amount of social, psychological studies how much one’s relation to parents, siblings determines one’s approach, later success in life. We also have ample amount of “social experiments” - based on different ideologies, philosophies - that tried to dismiss the classical family model, how much harm, negative results they “achieved”.
We also have the positive results of societies where children still grow up in families where multiple generations live together, providing the next, most caring, most “informative” environment for children.
It is clear that modern society with its unusual challenges - especially our dynamic, evolving concepts about gender, marriage - forces us to adjust, and become more flexible regarding the family model. Still it is clear that without a “family-like” environment both in a small scale and also in relation to the whole society at can’t develop in a Humane way.