Will mankind ever improve?
Question from the Internet:
“Will humans ever get their act together?”
Yes, we will get our act together. The question is how and what will make us.
A positively interconnected, mutually complementing, and fully integrated humanity is a given. This state is already predetermined in Nature’s evolution; whether we want it or not, we will get there.
Since we exist in Nature’s vast, infinitely powerful, and lawful system, we can’t survive unless we act and exist according to Nature’s laws.
And Nature’s strict and unchanging laws dictate a totally selfless, unconditional, mutually complementing integration and cooperation between all elements of the whole system; without such integration and cooperation, the general balance and homeostasis — that life depends on — cannot be sustained.
Thus a human system that is based on our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, subjective, and individualistic egos — that cares only about the excessive accumulation and consumption of everything and everybody for its own, insatiable sake, that cares only about ruthless competition so it could succeed at the expense of others and that thrives on controlling, manipulating, exploiting and destroy others — has no right to exist in nature finely balanced and mutually integrated system.
And in our generation, we have reached the breaking point beyond which our present human system is unsustainable, and it started to collapse on all levels.
Thus it will be either conscious recognition of our inherently destructive nature and a purposeful, conscious self-development towards interesting in and adapting ourselves to Nature, or it will be the increasing problems, crisis situations, and intolerable suffering that will “convince us” about changing ourselves and the human system.
We will get our act together this way or that way? Which way we learn and adapt is our free choice.