Why should one want to make a difference in the world?
Question from the Internet:
“Why would you always want to make a difference in the world?”
It is due to the fact that this is “my world.”
At the end of the day, I exist in this world. Moreover, this world is fully integrated and also fully interdependent. I am not more than a single cell in the living organism we call “this world,” which includes humanity within Nature.
I can’t exist without this world — especially without other people — and the world cannot exist in a good and optimal way unless I find and fulfill my unique, irreplaceable role in it as it is determined by Nature’s laws and evolution’s plan.
So what can I do?
It does not matter what I think or what I would want to do according to my inherently egocentric and subjective viewpoint.
If I want the world to survive and continue developing optimally, I have to learn my role and fulfill it. Moreover, If I have already received a method that can teach me all that, then it is also my obligation to publicize and teach that method to others.
I do not have any other choice!