Why is living in isolation “inhumane”?
Question from the Internet:
“Why can’t humans live in isolation?”
Superficially we could say that we are social creatures, who develop, grow, thrive as a result of a social environment. After all our self-esteem, everything we know about ourselves is based on comparing ourselves to others.
We also have incidental evidence of people becoming isolated due to different causes, and how they lost their “humanity” as a result of the lack of social influence. We also know that solitary confinement is one of the most severe punishments people can receive.
But on a deeper level — and this is what we start to see and reluctantly accept as a result of feeling ourselves in a globally integrated and fully interdependent world, where the state, health, success, and survival of the individual is irrevocably, intimately intertwined with the state, health, success and survival of the whole collective — we are all but single cells of the same, single, integral, living organism.
This has extraordinary consequences, implications. After recognizing and accepting this true state of our being, we can immediately also understand our absolute, total responsibility towards each other, regardless of who others are, where they live, what they do. We can also understand and tangibly feel then, that our problem-solving ability and the key to our survival is to build positive, constructive, sustainable, mutually responsible and mutually complementing interconnections, and cooperation.
Finally, we will understand, see and we can verify that Nature has always looked at us as a single entity, and the positive or negative influence of Nature on us solely depends on how we see ourselves and what form, what level of conscious integration between us we project towards Nature.
The more similar we become to Nature’s fully integral, finely balanced template, the more we will be able to flow with Nature’s development, accessing all the previously hidden treasures, blueprints in the system that we could not access before due to our dissimilarity, incompatibility with the system.