Why is freedom a burden?
Question from the Internet:
“How can freedom be a burden?”
Freedom means responsibility. Freedom means that I have to make decisions and bear the responsibility for my decisions and actions. And that is a huge burden, and it scares us greatly.
We can see how much the majority of human society is happy to forfeit their freedom and allow a small minority to control them in various open or concealed ways, so we would not need to bear the burden of making decisions and taking responsibility for our actions.
We are all inherently selfish, egocentric people. In some people, this is expressed in taking actions and accepting the burden of making decisions, actions and controlling others, while in others, this selfishness and egocentric existence are expressed in protecting ourselves from “freedom” and everything that comes with it, subjugating ourselves to the control of others.
We usually look at the leaders and that minority that controls us as “evil”, selfish and narcissistic. But in truth, being passive in society, just going with the flow, closing our eyes to negative things and constantly waiting for others to act is just as selfish and narcissistic.
In any given situation, we always protect ourselves and do whatever is best for us according to our 100% self-serving, self-justifying “pleasure/pain” calculations.
Whether we take “freedom” and everything that comes with it or choose to subjugate ourselves to the majority, we all and always act selfishly for our own sake only.
And in a globally integrated and fully interdependent world, this does not cut it anymore, since, in this world, we have all become like single cells in a single, living organism that relies on the most optimal, mutually responsible and mutually complementing cooperation of all comprising parts.
Thus we all have to accept our freedom and absolute responsibility in selflessly and unconditionally serving one another and the whole system. If we do not learn how to do this above and against our inherent nature, we will “lose our right to exist” in nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated system.