Why do we need a special method to achieve true unity?!

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readJun 26, 2024


An article in The Jerusalem Post:

My comment:

The effort is commendable. Who can dispute that Israel’s present and future depend on our ability to rise above our diversity, extreme differences in opinions, and vast and opposite worldviews?

We also know that the very foundation of our Nation is rooted in the unique, “supernatural” — above instinctive “baseless hate” (inherently egoistic, selfish, and individualistic human nature) — unity and mutual guarantee that is based on a “brotherly love” (Loving others as ourselves) that is not in us by birth; thus we have to learn and practice it.

This requires a special method, a method that can first show us the inherently “ugly, self-serving, self-justifying, and hateful” nature that drives all of us and then provide a practical method of overcoming our nature without suppressing and erasing it.

This is why political, social, economic, or even military solutions will not work.

As long as we all do not recognize the inner nature in ourselves that corrupts and destroys everything, and we do not develop a true need and desire to change and further develop ourselves — instead of blaming and correcting others — nothing will help.

Among all the people in the world, only Jews have the actual practical method for this unprecedented self-development, rising above our inherent egos. This is what the teachings and “instructions” of the Torah are all about, written in a symbolic language, which method we have to learn and implement in ourselves.

Then, others will follow us.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.