Why can’t we solve our problems with technology?
Question from the Internet:
“What problems or issues can technological advances solve?”
In truth, we cannot solve any of our main problems, issues with technology.
Technology is a tool, and how we use it, what results it yields, it depends on the user, on us.
And since by default we are using everything we invent, find through our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, individualistic, and exploitative calculations, intentions, technology, and everything else causes mostly destruction, harm.
After all, we overuse antibiotics, we create medicine for profit, the vaccines for the pandemic have become the source of competition, inequality, control.
And in terms of technology, we use everything to spy on, manipulate, control, and destroy others.
We have the level of technology already, that could create “heaven on Earth” for all of us. But in order to make so, we need to change, correct, upgrade ourselves, our intentions, goals, and how we relate to each other and to Nature.