Why can’t we leave each other alone?
Question from the Internet:
“Why don’t people seem to know that the best way to get peace is by leaving each other alone?”
Yes, I wish we knew that. And that is only half the story!
This is what very wise people described already over 2 thousand years ago. In order to exist and survive in a world where human beings are inevitably interconnected and depend on each other — and that was 2 millennia before the “global world” — we need to adopt the principle of “Do not do to others what you also hate for yourself,” as a start.
But then, we would even need to reach the higher level of “Loving others as ourselves” as the basis of a healthy, safe, peaceful, prospering, and sustainable human society.
These principles have nothing to do with any of the arbitrary, misguided, and destructive human ideologies, philosophies, or religions. Those principles the wise sages taught us are the symbolic representation of Nature’s most fundamental laws that govern the general balance and homeostasis that life and optimal development depend on.
Why don’t we want to follow these laws? Why can’t we leave each other alone?
Because we are all born with an “unnatural,” inherently egocentric, self-serving, and self-justifying nature, we all justify and prove ourselves at the expense of others — knowingly or unknowingly. Moreover, we all want everything for ourselves; this is why we are all buying into the excessively overconsuming societal model, believing that we deserve everything, even if it is way beyond our actual necessities.
We are born with such an “unnatural” and destructive nature to have the ability and chance to willingly and consciously correct and complete ourselves by taking human development into our own hands.
By purposefully developing new qualities and behavioral patterns that can neutralize and balance our inherent nature, we truly become Human: beings that achieve similarity with Nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated system through their own efforts, above and against their instincts.