Why can’t we directly, forcibly address overpopulation?
Question from the Internet:
“If you had the chance to fix human population, what would you do?”
We can’t fix “human population” directly as we have no actual idea how much is too much, how much is enough. Moreover, we already know that artificially, coercively “fixing” overpopulation is never going to work. Any forced changes are temporary, leading to explosions and rebound reactions.
Thus instead of the usual symptomatic “solutions”, trying to “fix” things we have no idea about, first, we need to fix the root cause of all our problems: our inherent incompatibility with Nature’s laws that sustain the general balance and homeostasis life depends on, our incompatibility with Nature’s fully integrated and interdependent system.
If we, consciously, proactively rebuilt our human relationships, the fabric of human society based on Nature’s integral template, and by that, we would reach similarity with Nature. And through the similarity, mutual integration with Nature we would start to understand, see all the laws, principles in effect, all the deterministic cause and effect processes that govern everything in Nature’s system.
Then we would understand what our true, natural necessities and the available resources to fulfill those necessities are. Then we would also see, feel what our population, our societal dynamics should be.
Of course this change in human relationships, the rebuilding of human societies we also cannot force, we cannot coerce or mislead people. If we want true, sustainable changes we need to get people on board, attracting them to the fundamental individual and collective changes willingly, people clearly understanding that the changes serve their own best interest.
And that is possible only through the right, purposeful and practical “Integral Education”. That education can make us understand and tangibly feel what our inevitable interdependence means, what we can gain if we go ahead with the self-changes Nature demands from us, and what we lose if we continue to resist.