Why are we in constant conflicts?
Question from the Internet:
“Why do I like conflict?”
Because we are all wired for conflict, whether we are aware of it or not, we are all born with a 100% self-serving, self-justifying and individualistic nature.
We are all locked into totally egocentric and subjective calculations and actions. We can’t even see anything else from the world apart from what is important for us in relation to our egocentric and subjective “pleasure/pain” calculations.
We measure and define ourselves through comparison to others, and we constantly strive to prove and place ourselves above others in everything. This is why our whole society is built on ruthless competition and conflicts.
When you look at everything we do, from children’s board games to sports, politics and business, it is all about “we against them” and “I against everyone”. We suspend the ruthless competition only when we all face terrible suffering like wars or natural disasters, and our “unity” usually comes too late when the disaster has already happened.
And until we all recognize and accept what desires, intentions and goals drive all of us, and we develop a true and irrepressible need to change ourselves, nothing will change, and we will continue to self-destruct.