Why are we born incompatible with Nature?
Question from the Internet:
“Is human behavior the most questionable thing on Earth?”
I do not think “questionable” is the right word, after all, there is nothing questionable about it.
We are inherently selfish, egocentric, subjective, and individualistic, we exploit everything and everybody for our own sake, ruthlessly succeeding at the expense of others.
We are totally incompatible with the rest of Nature that exists within a fragile balance and homeostasis life depends on, that is governed by strict, unchanging, and unforgiving laws of Nature.
In short, we are like cancer in Nature’s body.
The questionable thing is why did Nature create us this way, since we had no free choice about the nature, inner program we are born with, we are not “sinners” in this respect?
Nature purposefully created us this way, giving us the ability — through a unique Human intellect we haven’t used yet to its full potential — for critical self-assessment, initiating unprecedented self-changes.
So everything is purposeful and everything is driving towards a “happy ending”, we just need to understand the system, the plan of deterministic evolution, and after we discover, accept our incompatibility we need to consciously, methodically learn how to become compatible with Nature.