Why are so many tens things happen this year?!
In order to find the answer to this question we would need to accept what unique, empirical, Natural scientists have been writing for millennia: that Nature’s plan of evolution is not random, but it progresses towards a very specific goal (full integration of is diverse system) in a deterministic fashion, and that Humanity has a very unique role in that plan.
And according to this process we are at an unprecedented turning point, which from our original, inherently self-serving, self-justifying, subjective point of view we find frightening, terrifying.
Until now we developed blindly, instinctively, driven by the above mentioned self-serving, self-justifying, individualistic and subjective program we are all born with.
As a result we have been stumbling through recurring historic vicious cycles, building and destroying civilizations by helplessly repeating the same crimes, mistakes again and again.
Right now we are approaching the dead end, and predictable civilization-ending explosion of our own system, which the pandemic simply hastened, made sharper but didn’t cause.
In this threatening state we are supposed to wake up and try to snap out of the blind, instinctive development, searching for an overall meaning, purpose for our Human existence, searching for an explanation why we are “Human” - different from other animals.
We can’t go back to the life we lived before, the pandemic and evolving socio-economic crisis will destroy the present Human system, leaving only the natural necessities for us to live by. Most of Humanity will become unemployed, angry, frustrated and hateful, ready to clash and destroy using any possible excuses.
This is already happening all around the world as we can observe.
This explosive situation - for which the historic “solution” is war - can only be defused by purposefully, methodically learning, understanding Nature’s developmental plan and fulfilling our own role in it.
Through such an approach we can shift from the instinctive “path of suffering” - pushed from behind through blows - to a new, conscious, proactive path, taking it development into our own hands.
This is the unique turning point we are at, at true crossroads of Human history!
What happens next depends on how many people are ready and willing to change, “upgrade” themselves to become able to research Nature from within through similarity with its selfless, integrated qualities and how successfully they use the available, purposeful and practical method for this goal.