Why are Human beings so inhumane?
Question from the Internet:
“Why is it that human beings can be so inhumane?”
We are born “inhumane” so we could willingly, consciously, methodically change ourselves and become “humane”.
The expression “Human”, based on the Hebrew origin of the word (Adam) means “similar”. A truly “Human” being is one that becomes similar to Nature’s fully integrated, selfless, unconditionally, mutually integrated system above and against our inherently “inhumane”, 100% selfish, egoistic, exploitative nature.
First, we have to come to recognize our true “inhumane” — against Nature, incompatible with Nature’s finely balanced mutual integration — program that drives us towards ruthless, exclusive competition, wars, excessive overconsumption, success, and survival at the expense of others and Nature.
Then, when we humbly accepted that this is how we act by default and we want to change ourselves as we see, feel that our ego will literally kill us, then we can gradually learn “being humane”, becoming truly Human.
This whole process is purposeful by Nature’s evolution as only by consciously becoming Human against the initial, “inhuman” contrast can we fulfill our unique evolutionary Human role in Nature: to become the system’s only conscious, integrated but at the same time independent observers, partners.