Why are Europe and the US behind most of the negative things in the world?

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readJan 5, 2023


Question from the Internet:

“Why is practically everything bad that happens in the world the fault of the United States and/or Europe?”

Europe and especially the US represent that “cutting edge” and final state of the inherently selfish, egoistic, individualistic, and exploitative human development.

In the end, we would all reach the same state; as you can see, all “developing countries and people” strive to become “like the US”; we all want the “American Dream” when we can have everything we want, and we can fulfill all our self-centered dreams while we act in total individual freedom.

The problem is that it is not possible. What we just started to realize — as we reached a certain saturation in the human system due to population growth, technological advancement, and the rate of production and consumption — that in Nature’s fully and mutually integrated system where life and optimal development require a fragile balance and homeostasis our human system acts like cancer and it has no right to exist.

We simply cannot have everything we want according to our inherently limited and distorted, subjective and individualistic calculations. We do not have individual freedom or individual rights when we are all irrevocably interconnected and interdependent.

Thus European colonialism and the American culture — both worshipping the control and exploitation of others and success at the expense of others and Nature — represent the worst possible state of existence from Nature’s point of view.

And since Nature’s viewpoint is what determines who and what remains alive within Nature’s system, we will have no other choice but to rebuild our human system based on Nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated template — provided we want to survive.

And this thinking or attitude to life is the furthest from the European and American way of life.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.