Why are changes so difficult?
Question from the Internet:
“What possible difficulties can you identify as a result of the proposed changes?”
The biggest difficulty regarding changes is that we do not like to change. We like to remain at rest, within our comfort zone.
And when it comes to changes regarding changing ourselves, changing how we relate, connect to others, there is nothing more abhorred, rejected by our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, subjective ego than to change anything about ourselves.
But it is exactly these kinds of changes that we will have to go through if we want to start solving our problems and want to safeguard our continuing survival.
In a globally integrated and fully interdependent world — where everything has become collective, global — we can’t even comprehend, let alone solve our problems. And as long as we continue our instinctively selfish, subjective, individualistic, and exploitative behavior, lifestyle — excessively overconsuming, accumulating profit, resources for ourselves while succeeding, surviving at the expense of others — we live like cancer, self-destructing in the process.
Thus we will have to learn how to rise above this difficulty of not wanting to consider changing ourselves. It will come down to a very simple equation: unity, positive, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing cooperation or death.
Not according to some arbitrary, misguided human ideology, philosophy, religion, but according to Nature’s strict, unchanging and unforgiving laws.