Why am I optimistic about the future after Covid-19?!
Historic Experience
I am very optimistic about the world and our future after the pandemic!
I am a “true believer” in the unique Human mind that is capable of critical self-assessment, and that with its help we will be able to scrutinize and accept that from now on in we want to solve problems and survive we need to change the connections between Human beings.
We are at unique crossroads, with a vast amount of historic evidence, experience. We can look at the millennia-long Human development so far as preparation as if we were given time and space to experiment with different socio-economic systems based on our inherently egocentric, individualistic, and self-serving outlook on life. We tried all possible variations of ideologies, structures — all based on ruthless, exclusive competition, success, and survival at the expense of others while aiming solely at excessively fulfilling our own insatiable desires for pleasures, rewards.
The Coronavirus symbolizes the end of our own civilization — while it was already on life-support for decades before the virus — where even the most promising looking system of “liberal, parliamentary democracy and free-market capitalism” became defunct.
We honestly, with great efforts at the expense of huge sacrifices tried to change the world, change governance, economy, change Human beings, and even force people to unite through coercion or misleading brainwashing. And we failed each time.
“Small” Shift In Intention
While the situation seems desperate and hopeless — as the only ‘solution” people can come up with right now is to try the same failed methods, ideologies, structures again and again (though Einstein beautifully expressed that this “method is the sign of insanity) — the true solution is actually simple, it requires only a minimal shift from the usual direction.
We do not need to change anything else but the aim why we want to change ourselves, our connections, and our world for — for whose sake do we want to succeed?!
So far it was only about ourselves, or about a small circle of people around us we associate ourselves with. We tried living like “single-cell” organisms in a Humanity, Natural system that is totally, intricately integrated and interdependent.
Thus the only thing we need to accept and implement first of all is the understanding that we are not separated, individual, “standalone” creatures in this reality, but we are parts of a single, intertwined Humanity where each depends on all others while each needs to be totally, mutually responsible for others — and the virus gave us plenty of proof regarding this.
We can continue to be who we are with all our individual qualities, talents, uniqueness, we can continue to aim at profit, rewards, fulfillment, trying to survive the best way we can — but not for our own sake! We need to be the best we can, work, and do everything we do for the sake of the whole collective in Humanity and through Humanity, for the sake of the whole Natural system, we are all but single cells of.
It is this consciousness only that needs to change — that instead of standalone, individual, single-cells we are all integrated and interdependent cells are of a vast, multi-cellular organism.
Acquiring A New, Systemic Consciousness, Perception Of Reality
This has vast implications! In the external form nothing will change, after all, we are already existing in a global system where even our daily bread depends on intricate, global interactions. But the direction of the flow, circulation, communication between us will change, the calculations for whose sake I am doing whatever I am doing will change.
At first, we will do this in order to survive since now a huge number of people understood that we are all living on the same global boat that is sinking and the water is already reaching the deck where we are all crowded together. But as soon as we start implementing this conscious shift of intention, and start acting as a single “super-organism” with a new, qualitatively much higher collective mind, intelligence, our consciousness and perception of reality will also change.
Suddenly we won’t just see reality through our extremely limited, distorted individualistic, egocentric, and subjective vision. We will access an unprecedented, collective, “quantum” consciousness and perception like the mind, the emotional capacity of a total body over the “mind and emotions” of a single, isolated cell.
I am extremely optimistic and happy that I was born into a generation where this historic, evolutionary shift in Humanity became possible!