Who is the true leader of the world?!
Imperfect leadership
Humanity is naturally “structured” like a pyramid, there is always a 1%-99% divide. Whether we look at our societies today or at the flow of Human history, the masses were always looking for leaders they could follow.
It was interesting to watch how the pandemic unfolded in different countries in relation to how people responded, interacted with their leaders for example. Even in a modern, independent, “level” country like New Zealand (with minimal social striation) the public followed the female Prime Minister — who managed to find a reassuring, caring language — like children followed their mother.
Of course, we could also see very different examples of this “leader/public dynamic”. But each nation, country at any given time is stuck with their actual leaders who shape how the country, nation fares.
The problem with individual leadership — and it does not matter in what form it presents itself — that due to our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric, and individualistic nature “power corrupts”. Moreover, since we are all born with an inherently egocentric, subjective consciousness, perception there is no person in the world that “knows everything”, or can get close to some absolute standards, truth since we all live within our own introverted bubbles.
It is true, that in democratic societies we try to apply different safeguards against individual leaders having too much power, influence.
Still, “power corrupts” regardless of the length of the term, how many times one can be re-elected. And we do not have to look at politicians to see this. There are multiple well-publicized psychological experiments and our daily experiences, impressions we receive in our workplaces when people are elevated above their peers, how their egos almost immediately start to distort their character, behavior. Nobody can escape this.
And even with expert advisors, working in teams leaders have no access to “absolute truth”, standard data, true science at this point (and again we received much proof about this during the present pandemic), making leadership a “guessing game”, a process of trial and error — usually with more errors than success.
So ideal leadership would require people to act independently of their inherently egotistic self, which independent, selfless leaders could attain access to some so far unknown absolute standards, data, plan in reality to design, adjust their plans, goals accordingly. Is this at all possible or we are ever condemned to the ineffective, constantly failing, corrupt leadership of the past and present?!
First of all, we can get access to absolute standards, undoubted truth, “iron laws” that are not influenced by our fickle, egocentric and subjective Human consciousness, perception. nature’s system we exist in is based on such laws and on a deterministic, intelligent evolutionary plan that drives the whole Natural system — including Humanity — towards a perfect, final goal: total integration.
Accessing, attaining, comprehending the fundamental Natural laws of integration and mapping evolution’s plan from its inception to its completion requires us to become compatible, equivalent to Nature’s qualities, “modus operandi”. This means to “clothe into” Nature’s fundamental characteristics of selfless altruism, unconditional service of the whole, sustaining the general balance and homeostasis that creates and sustains life, facilitates optimal development.
These are qualities, characteristics that are polar opposites to our inherently egocentric, individualistic, and exploitative Human nature.
“Symbolic, Biblical example”
The single, most important (real or symbolic) event in Human history is the event called the “Standing at Sinai”. Although according to the Torah/Bible this describes an event related to a single Nation, it has relevance to the whole of Humanity.
According to the symbolic language of the Torah at Sinai, a whole Nation saw “God descending to the mountain, speaking to the people which they all heard, witnessed”. And then when they made some unique pledges, commitments they received the Torah.
This is not a religious, mystical story, this is not about geography or history. It describes s state when a whole assembly of people understood, attained the true, fundamental laws of Nature — previously incomprehensible laws “descending”, becoming accessible even to simple people, as they fulfilled the conditions of becoming similar to Nature’s qualities.
In other words, a group of people agreed to become united, act and exist “as one man with one heart”, keeping Nature’s principle of “mutual guarantee/loving others as oneself” (despite standing against the Mount of mutual Hatred/Sinai), and by becoming similar to Nature, they attained, understood how the system works, what the plan of evolution wants from us. And they “received the Torah”, the most fundamental collection of Nature’s laws and Instruction on how the inherently selfish, egoistic Human nature can be adjusted to Nature’s laws, achieving the necessary similarity.
What does this all mean for us in the 21st century?!
We do not have to look for “a” leader, we already have one. We are all lead, governed, controlled by Nature’s singular force-filed and its relentless, deterministic evolutionary plan.
But we need people — a “unique, collective mind” for Human society — that can attain and fully comprehend Nature’s force-field and its evolutionary plan by adjusting, upgrading their inherently egotistic nature to become similar to nature’s qualities. Anybody who is such inclined can achieve this using the same, practical, and scientific method the unique empirical scientist of ancient times developed and subsequent followers through each generation refined, adjusted to the following generations.
Today we have a modern suitable “edition” of this method, specifically for our modern generation, teaching anybody how to change, adjust the inherent Human nature to be suitable, adapted to Nature’s system, and its laws.
Then these people, who made the necessary adjustments, could link the rest of Humanity to Nature’s system and its developmental plan, leading everybody towards our unique, evolutionary Human purpose in existence.
Since the unique people who become the “collective mind” are those who clothe into the qualities of selfless altruism, unconditional service of others — which they achieve together as a group, not individually — they become true “public servants” in the true sense of the expression. They become transparent transition, adaptors between Humanity and Nature’s system.
As a result, most people will instinctively follow them, learn from them until they themselves attain the same “Natural qualities”, themselves seeing, hearing Nature’s singular force operating in reality through their own similarity.
The unique “collective mind” won’t operate like present-day politicians, local or national leaders, they will simply guide, provide the right direction, support, advise to the usual leaders like the Sanhedrin used to do over 2000 years ago. Their role is educational, supportive, “ideological”.
But it will be very clear that they do not follow any political ideology, religion, or philosophy, they only follow the absolute, fundamental laws of Nature, and they advise, guide only those who ask for it, without any coercion or convincing.
But as time passes it will become very sharp clear, who would become successful, who will be able to solve the mounting, global problems and survive the crisis: those who follow their own egocentric, subjective inclinations, opinions; or those who follow the special empirical scientists who provide the transition, link between Nature’s system, its absolute laws and Humanity?!