Who are we actually?!
Question from the Internet:
“Is it a rare gift to see that all forms of life are deserving of respect?”
I think that instead of a “gift”, it is a worldview we can methodically develop.
How can we reach a state where we conclude, we “viscerally” feel that all forms of life — all parts of reality including the still, vegetative, animal, and human elements in it — deserve respect?
When we realize that the reality we see is a single, integrated organism with myriads of diverse, mutually complementing parts and we feel this whole, single organism as our own.
By default, we feel ourselves as standalone, isolated, egocentric, and subjective beings looking at all other elements of reality as something alien, something that doesn’t belong to us — unless we can obtain some selfish, introverted pleasure, benefit out of them — including the other humans we supposedly “love” (we “love” them as it gives us pleasure).
But with a unique, purposeful, and highly practical educational, scientific method we can learn to see, tangibly feel that all of perceived — and presently unperceived — reality belongs to us, or belong to it as inseparable, mutually integrated elements of a single entity.
We can come to a very real recognition that we are simply a single cell of a huge, infinitely capable, and powerful living organism, and through our willing, proactive, and conscious integration in it we can access its full abilities and collective consciousness, collective worldview above any egocentric, subjective limitations of time, space and physical motion.