Who are the “stupid people”?!
Question from the Internet:
“What if we get rid of stupid people in the world? Would that make the world better?”
All through human history, we have been trying to get rid of people, nations, cultures, religions, ideologies we do not like — of course, according to our own subjective, egocentric calculations, or according to the loudest, more prevalent “politically correct” dogma the media brainwashed us with.
Who are “stupid people”, who decides who is stupid, who is not? What measurement do we use to decide who is stupid?
Are people who follow the present global media propaganda, the unquestionable opinion of celebrities, the decision of certain nations claiming that they represent “world opinion”, making decisions on world affairs after seeing the loudest, boldest headlines stupid, or the opposite?
Are those who blindly follow the consumerist brainwash, the excessive overconsumption, wanting to return to “normal” after the pandemic stupid, or the opposite?
Do you know anybody who actually thinks for themselves and does not blindly accept, follows immediately what they are served?
We might find that 99% of the human population is outright stupid at the moment, so what do we do then?
In fact, we all exist in the totally stupid, desperately helpless Matrix of our own selfish, egoistic, exploitative egos that control, govern everything we do.
Thus instead of constantly thinking about who else to blame, correct, censor, destroy perhaps first, we should look at ourselves. And if we do that honestly consciously, through the right methodology, we might find a lot of things we need to eradicate, correct in ourselves until we reach a completely selfless and thus objective worldview.
Otherwise, we do not even have a chance, and we definitely do not have the right of judging, assessing others.