Which historical figure, if brought back to life, would be the most capable of solving the current global issues?
Probably only Moses.
He was the only leader who - with some help from “high places” - could convince a collection of bickering infighting, stiff-necked, extremely diverse runaway Jews to pledge to unite “as one man with one heart”, and form a single Nation against all odds.
More importantly - on the merit of that generation - their modern descendants are tasked to perform the same “miracle” with the whole bickering, infighting, diverse Humanity, that are standing around the same proverbial “Mount of Hatred (Sinai)” those Jews stood before.
Humanity can not survive in a globally integrated, interdependent world world, we can’t achieve compatibility with Nature’s laws of integration without such a “Jewish style” unity, mutual responsibility through a unique, purposeful and practical educational method.