Which environmental problem do we have to address first?
Question from the Internet:
“What environmental issue, in your opinion, should be prioritized by humankind? What concrete steps can you take in your life to show your concern for the environment?”
Everything depends on the state of the human environment.
Human beings, as Nature’s qualitatively highest level creatures, have the greatest influence on what happens in the rest of the Natural system, as our qualitative importance overcomes the rest of the system’s quantitative advantage.
We are the only conscious parts of Nature’s system, the only part that has the ability to become Nature’s only fully aware, insider observers and partners in facilitating the general balance and homeostasis life depends on.
This requires human society to be rebuilt on Nature’s finely balanced, integral template, each individual finding their most optimal, positive, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing role, contribution to the whole.
We also need to learn — after we already started sensing Nature from within — how to adjust our lifestyle to the optimal parameters of natural necessities and available resources.
This all goes against our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egotistic, individualistic, and exploitative nature that drives us towards insatiable, excessive overconsumption and ruthless, exclusive competition, succeed at the expense of others, and Nature.
Without changing ourselves, how we live, how we interact with each other we cannot have any positive impact on Nature. Thus all our past and present, superficial “environmental activism”, “solutions” simply backfire since we never corrected the root cause of all the problems — ourselves.
The correction of the world, helping Nature all starts with correcting, upgrading the human being — each and every person correcting themselves instead of trying to blame, change, correct others and the world around us.