Where is our humanity?
Question from the Internet:
“Where is our humanity”?
Our “humanity” is within the positive, selflessly serving, mutually responsible and mutually complementing interconnections between us.
On our own, as independent individuals, we are not “human”.
“Being Human” — based on the Hebrew word for “human (Adam, which originates from the expression similar) — means being similar to Nature’s system and its single, fundamental law of mutual guarantee. This means that in Nature, each and every particle and element is selflessly and unconditionally serving the whole system by serving all other elements and parts of the system.
Only such a totally selfless and mutually complementing integration can create and nurture life.
Our “Human” purpose in life is to learn and practice “being Human” above and against our inherently cancer-like, self-serving, self-justifying, exploitative instincts and inclinations.
Thus if we want to search for and find our “humanity”, we will have to build it and find it in our Nature-like interconnections that have to be established consciously, willingly and purposefully with the help of a unique method.