Where is God in the Coronavirus world?
God — Force of Nature
This is the interesting thing about “God”, that “He” is everywhere. After all if we talk about an omnipotent, all-encompassing force that “created” everything, then this force would be in everything, everywhere.
Even if we say that we were left with free choice, so we could learn how to adapt ourselves to the world, how to balance negative and positive forces in us successfully, forces that single, governing source created, that source, “Creator” would still be there like a parent who oversees the child progressing.
Maybe it is easier to discuss it on our everyday level, substituting “God” with “Nature”, or evolutionary force of Nature.
Even cutting edge, peer review sciences suspect that our Natural reality is based on a single “theory of everything”, “standard model”, that could bundle all known (and still unknown) forces into a single system that develops according to a deterministic plan, direction, based on clearly defined cause and effect processes.
Purposeful Development
So if we imagine ourselves existing in such a deterministic, lawful system we could also presume that there is nothing random, accidental, surplus in the reality we live in.
This means that the Coronavirus also had it’s unique role to educate us Humans - the only “creatures” with the ability to consciously observe, witness Nature’s system, using whatever happens to us as a “cosmic educational process”. This process is driving us - consciously or unconsciously towards revealing and attaining our unique Human purpose in the system.
Conscious Chance To Change Human Development
If we look at the virus through these parameters, we can notice the special lessons we received.
After all the blind, instinctive, helplessly recurring, vicious historic cycles Humanity has been going through in history - our own actual civilization proudly marching towards inevitable self-destruction - the virus paused this blind process just before we reached the cliff’s edge
Humanity never before had the vast historic experience we have today on one hand, together with the recognition that with the instinctively egocentric, individualistic Human paradigm our survival is forfeit in Nature’s integrated, mutually interdependent system, while also receiving a unique “time out” to make a very important review and revise our strategy moving forward.
And while most blindly, simply want to return to life as it used to be before the pandemic, a growing number of people are using the “time out” usefully, purposefully. These people are searching ways of redirecting our Human development.
We can change our path of development by studying and following Nature’s template of selfless, mutually responsible, mutually complementing cooperation above and against our instinctively egocentric, individualistic urges.
A unique, purposeful and practical educational method can teach us, help us actually feel the immediate, mutual benefit of such natural cooperation against the self-destructive egocentric, individualistic process we have been trying so far.
Partnering Nature
And when we make the necessary changes, fine tuning ourselves - more precisely our interconnections, cooperation - to Nature’s template, flow, suddenly we will feel Nature’s “circle of life”, evolutionary flow, steamroller assisting us instead of pushing us against our will as before.
We will realistically, tangibly feel that each effort we make towards the mutual integration is reinforced, made easier, like switching on an invisible turbo in our engines.
This is when we will feel what it means to partner Nature, this is when we reveal “God” omnipotent force in practice, providing “His” half a shekel to ours.
Of course for this we need to decode, learn and use the lessons provided by Covid-19 properly…