What’s wrong with human society?!
Question from the Internet:
“What social problem in our society affects you as a student or individual?”
The single social problem that affects all of us is our inability to build positive, constructive, sustainable, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing interconnections, cooperation above and beyond narrow self-interest.
This is the result of our inherently egocentric, subjective, individualistic ego driving us, governing all our thoughts, decisions, and actions.
As a result, human society is built according to the misinterpreted Darwinian principle of “survival of the fittest” explained, implemented as the “survival of the wealthiest, most powerful, the one who can control, exploit others the most.
This is why human society — regardless of the overarching ideology, political, governing, economic, or social system — is rendered according to a pyramid model, the small “peak” governing, exploiting the large masses. And it does not matter who gets to the peak of the pyramid — this way or that way — since we all have the same inherent nature, we all behave the same way.
This cancer-like human behavior, attitude is now driving us towards self-destruction, since we have achieved such saturation, while we also evolved into a globally integrated and interdependent world, that our societies based on our inherent nature have become unsustainable.
What happens next? It solely depends on how fast and how honestly we recognize and accept the root cause, our own nature being behind all problems, and how willing we are to change, develop ourselves further consciously, proactively.