What’s normal?!

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readMay 13, 2020


Was life so far normal?

Everybody is taking about “returning to normal”, or returning to a “new normal” after the quarantines are gradually lifted all over the world.

I think we will need to define what normal is as this definition is very much up in the air.

After all can we call a Human system normal, that is built on “abnormal”, unnatural, excessively consuming lifestyle, accumulating unserviceable debts which then we try to service with even greater debt?!

Can we call it normal that even in our modern times, even when we see that we evolved into a globally integrated world where each person depends on everybody else we still want to continue succeeding, surviving at each other’s expense?!

Can we call it normal when we already know, see all this, we even make movies, TV-series, and laugh about our own stupidity, analyze how terrible the life is what we are living, and we then go back and continue living exactly the same way?!

And now the pandemic is giving us time to taste a life that is much closer to normal, much closer to the natural way of life we should be living, we see how Nature immediately repairs itself as we reduced our harmful activity, and still we can hardly wait to return to self-destruction the moment the restrictions are lifted, is this normal?!

We need to choose “Nature’s normal as the blueprint for the future!

So if we can finally determine that the way we lived wasn’t normal at all, but we are actually, literally killing ourselves, how can we define what normal truly is?! In what ways should we change ourselves, our relationships to each other, on what foundations, values should the new Human system be built?!

When we look around we don’t have any other template to use but Nature’s perfect blueprint.

And since we are born from the Natural state, we are still integral part of the system - contrary to our misguided belief in our independence, omnipotence, suggesting that we can do whatever we want - we actually don’t have any other options but to rebuild Humanity based on how Nature’s elements are interconnecting, existing, cooperating based on mutually responsible, mutually complementing interconnections, making calculations for the sake of the well-being, optimal development of the whole system.

Our free choice relates to how we accept this change, adaptation on ourselves: through increasing, intolerable suffering - from recurring, worsening crisis situations - or through conscious, methodical study of Nature’s system, purposefully, actively adapting ourselves to it preventing blows, suffering.

So everything depends on us now: do we want to return to the “normal which wasn’t normal at all”, or we want to learn - through a unique, purposeful, practical educational method - what “normal” truly means in Nature’s system.



Zsolt Hermann
Zsolt Hermann

Written by Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.

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