What would life become if we all saw everything exactly the same way?
Question from the Internet:
“How would life look like if everyone saw things exactly the same way?”
We could see things exactly the same way only if we were exactly the same. Even identical twins do not see the world the same way.
If we all saw everything the very same way, life would be static and unchanging. Actually, we would not even see or experience life at all.
Although we are not conscious about it, our actual “liveliness”, all our emotional impressions that is called “life” come from our interactions with other people.
There is a reason why solitary confinement is the worst punishment for a human being.
Losing our connection with other people, who are different from us and give us impressions, viewpoints and desires we do not have, we do not experience human life, we descend even below the animal level onto the “vegetative” level of nature.
Moreover, if we learned how to utilize the desires, needs and viewpoints of others, if we switched our inherently egocentric and subjective viewpoint to purposefully and intentionally experiencing life through their viewpoints, sensing and fulfilling their desires as they want it, we can enter a completely different, qualitatively much higher consciousness and perception of reality.
With such a purposefully and consciously achieved collective consciousness and composite perception of reality — each experiencing life through the voewpints of others while exiting one’s own subjective viewpoint — we can rise above the egocentric and subjective limitations of time, space even detaching ourselves from seeing physical life or death.