What will humanity’s future look like?
Question from the Internet:
“Suggesting life in the future, in what way will we live differently? Will it be different in work, education, education, or everyday life (shopping, sports, travel, etc.)?”
Yes, our life in the future will be completely different from how we live today.
Today — as in the past — we live driven by our inherently self-centered, subjective, and individualistic nature. We can’t see anything from the world except what is important to us according to our 100% egocentric and subjective calculations. We can’t even move a finger unless such action benefits us in some way and form.
As a result, human society is a coerced and tense co-existence of cancer cells that all want to grow, develop and succeed at the expense of others, “loosely” keeping arbitrary and oppressive laws to create some order and prevent open lynching and robbing people would resort to according to their original nature.
But these laws only slow down and dampen the erosive and destructive processes which cause history’s helplessly recurring vicious cycles and our own march toward self-destruction.
In the future — those who survive the seemingly inevitable and almost imminent calamity that will decimate mankind — we will have a completely different, “Nature-like,” finely balanced, and mutually integrated human society that is compatible with Nature’s strict and unforgiving laws that govern life and optimal development.
In that “Nature-like” human society, we will all become healthy cells in a single, integral and living organism, where we all selflessly and unconditionally serve each other for the sake of the whole system. Each and every individual will find their own unique and irreplaceable place and function in the whole while justly and proportionately receiving everything one needs in order to sustain the crucially important contribution towards everybody else.
Everything else in human society (sports, travel, shopping, media, communication, or entertainment) will be organized according to the above.
On the other hand, if we are wise, we can already start building such a perfect and sustainable human society — against and above our inherent nature — before this calamity destroys most of our species and forces us to change through intolerable suffering.