What to expect from leaders, countries in view of the pandemic?
The most important lesson from the pandemic is the following:
1.We have evolved into a globally integrated, interdependent world, where we are obligated to learn absolute, mutual responsibility towards one another. The pandemic and everything else that affects us in our times are global problems, that have no local, national solutions!
2.Our inherent nature is self-centered, fiercely individualistic, and we actually enjoy benefiting, surviving at each other’s expense.
Which means that with our inherent nature we are self-destructing in Nature's integral system which obligates us - through its “iron” laws and the plan of evolution - to become a single, integral species as well.
3.So both in relation to my country and in relation to the world my expectation is to consciously, methodically learn how to think, make decisions and act above, against our inherent nature - through unique, unprecedented, mutually responsible and mutually complementing manner. Our collective problem solving ability and survival depends on this!