What should we be most concerned about?
Question from the Internet:
“What is the biggest anxiety in the world right now?”
I think there are quite a few, some are worried about the pandemic that is attacking us in waves, some are worried about climate change fundamentally changing how we live, then others are worried about impending, probably inevitable wars, the inevitable socio-economic collapse due to our unsustainable, unnatural lifestyle, human system, and then each has their own personal, local concerns as well.
My anxiety, concern is about how long will it take, how much suffering do we need to go through until we all realize, that the root cause of all the concerns listed above and all concerns we do not even know about is our own, inherently selfish, egotistic, individualistic and exploitative nature that drives us towards artificial, excessive overconsumption and the ruthless competition, wars between us as we all try — knowingly, unknowingly survive and succeed at each other’s expense.
If we do not recognize the real culprit, the root of our disease — which is our own ego — we cannot treat it but we will continue with the usual, futile, and destructive symptomatic treatment, as all our “solutions” just make matters even worse.