What principles about life can help us?
Question from the Internet:
“What principle do you live your life and how did it help you learn about others in your life?”
For the last 15 years, I have been studying a unique, empirical natural science, that has been studying human nature for millennia.
This science teaches that we are all born with an inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric, and individualistic nature. This is something this science has been teaching for over 2000 years, and we started to recognize the same in our present societies in the last few years.
This inherently selfish, egocentric, and individualistic human nature can explain everything that happened throughout history and what is happening in human society today.
Finally, with the help of this method, we can learn and understand why we have no inherent ability to truly connect to others, to feel and to care for others, since our instinctive self-love and self-concern overshadow and ruins everything.
This unique method provides a very different principle for existence, which is about learning how to actually and truly accept, feel, and love others above and against our instinctive self-love and self-concern.
We do not need to suppress or erase anything in ourselves, we simply have to learn how to feel and accept others as important as ourselves.
And when we learn about the totally integrated and interdependent global world we exist in, this is not so difficult. In this integral world we are all, in effect, individual cells of the same, living organism, where our individual lives fully depend on the life of the whole system.
Thus those “others” we need to care for and love are not “others” at all. instead, they are part of the same “collective and integral self” we are also part of. As a result, when we care for and love “others”, we actually care for and love “our self”.
We can reach a full understanding and a totally tangible and visceral sensation of this with the help of the right, purposeful, and practical method based on the science I have been studying.