What prevents true social changes?
Question from the Internet:
“What are the barriers to social change?”
Society is a collection of individuals. How individuals behave and act towards each other determines how society exists and functions.
Thus in order to change society, we would all need to change ourselves and how we relate to others.
And this is what brings on barriers and problems to true social changes.
We are all born with an inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric and subjective nature. Most of the time, we are convinced that we are basically good and the problems are always caused by others.
So “social change” usually means changing others, changing ideologies, philosophies, religions or the people who influence and lead society. But nobody would consider changing themselves first of all, since this is completely against our inherent nature.
True social change will come only when we all humbly recognize and accept that we are all responsible for all the ills of society due to our inherently selfish and egoistic nature that drives all of us.
And then, after such a breakthrough and unprecedented self-recognition, self-critique, we can all learn together how to build a better, safer, more equal and peaceful society based on Nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated template with the help of the right, purposeful and practical educational method.