What is “true mindfulness”?
An opinion from the Internet on mindfulness:
“What does it mean to be mindful of your thoughts?
Being mindful means being aware of your thoughts, emotions, and how you’re feeling (physically and mentally). Mindfulness is a form of meditation with an important aspect to it — acceptance. It means being aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgment.”
Yes, this could be the first step. But meditation is usually something personal, “looking inside”, while what we really need to become “mindful” of is our intention towards others, as it is this intention that determines everything.
So instead of personal meditation, we need to practically, mutually, methodically build new type of human relationships with each other where we constantly remain aware of our intentions towards each other, as if looking behind the scenes, beyond the actions, speeches, living inside the intentions.
Then through such common, positive, unconditionally loving, serving intentions towards each other we open a completely new, very different “dimension” of existence that we could not sense, attain before.