What is “true altruism"?
Question from the Internet:
“What is the meaning of altruistic?”
True altruism is a state — that we are not capable of by default — is when a person makes calculations, acts for the sake of others unconditionally, without any benefit, without any hormonal, familial or other reasons for serving, loving another.
We are not capable of true altruism, true “love of others", as inherently we are born 100% self-serving, self-justifying, subjective, “loving only ourselves".
On the other hand — as we learn more and more — we won’t be able to solve our growing, threatening global problems in Nature’s fully integrated, interdependent system, unless we build truly selfless, altruistic, mutually responsible and mutually complementing interconections, cooperation like cells of the same body.
Thus we have no other option but to learn how to build such “Nature-like", altruistic relations towards each other, first in smaller and then in increasingly greater environments.
This unique, conscious contrast between our inherently self-serving, self-living nature and the acquired “Nature-like" integration — with full awareness — gives us our unparalleled, evolutionary Human advantage over the rest of Nature that is blindly, instinctively, altruistically integrated.