What is the worth of human life?
Question from the Internet:
“Who determines the price of human life?”
What we see in humanity today, what we saw in the past is not giving us the right answer, since we ruthlessly, only measure everything from a self-serving, self-justifying, exploitative point of view, measuring everything through monetary measurements, how much another person is worth for me in order to serve my own profit, my own fulfillment.
This way or that way we all consider others as our own slaves, as from our own, inherently egocentric, subjective point of view the whole world is there to serve me since I am the center of the Universe.
This, of course, has many different expressions in our lives from actual slavery to much more refined, concealed forms of trying to trick, force others to serve my self-interest, and of course, different people have different opportunities to do so.
In the globally integrated and fully interdependent world we evolved into according to Nature’s evolutionary plan, our worth has a very different, opposite meaning.
In a fully integrated, living system the person’s worth is measured by one’s willing, fully committed, mutually responsible and mutually complementing contribution to the general collective, when we all become selfless, unconditional servants of the whole system like cells of the body. In integral systems, each is worth the same, as without even the smallest element, cell, the whole system cannot function.
Life depends on this selfless, unconditional mutual integration, the measurement is “true love”, meaning serving others and the whole system as much, or even more than I serve myself. It turns out that the person’s worth is measured through this love and service to others since only that facilitates, creates life.
This is the complete opposite of how we measure, conduct ourselves by default, driven by our egotistic, individualistic instincts.