What is the true reality we keep ignoring?
Question from the Internet:
“What are the true realities about life that people deny?”
As a result of our inherently self-centered, self-serving, subjective, and individualistic nature, perception of reality we deny true reality: that we are all but single cells of a single, living organism called humanity, which is also an integral part of Nature’s single living system.
We look at everything, make calculations from a 100% subjective, egocentric viewpoint, trying to bend, force the whole system to serve our own selfish needs — knowingly, unknowingly.
And this makes us behave like cancer in the integrated, interdependent system.
We can see all the symptoms of this “inherent human disease, amnesia” regarding our true place, role in reality.
On the other hand, only human beings have the necessary consciousness, ability to gradually wake themselves up from this amnesia, coma and adapt themselves to the true reality, finding and fulfilling our predetermined, unique, evolutionary Human role in Nature.