What is the significance of the “Metaverse”?
Question from the Internet:
“What do you think of Facebook’s plan to create a “metaverse,” a social network virtual world using augmented and virtual reality?”
Whether we like it or not, whether we noticed or not, we already exist in such a virtual world.
In the last 2 years, the pandemic significantly restricted our movements even within our own countries, not to mention long-distance travel.
As a result, many of our activities, work, social functions, educational meetings, school, even keeping connection with family moved into the virtual realm. And most of such activities are much more effective, cheaper to remain virtually than to return to physical connections, even if we could.
What technology we use, what we call this new way of existing does not matter. What matters is how we use our inevitable physical, or virtual connections, through what calculations, what intention we exist in those connections.
If we continue doing everything based on our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egotistic, and individualistic calculations, intentions, then the “virtual realm” will function in the same exploitative, hierarchical way as any other society we have ever built, leading to the same negative, destructive results.
It does not matter what we build, what technology we use as long as we do not change the “inner software” that drives us. Only purposefully, methodically upgrading, reprogramming ourselves — that we become compatible with the globally integrated and interdependent existence Nature’s integral system forces on us — can we become successful.