What is the root of inequality?
Question from the Internet:
“Is all inequality a function of intelligence? If not, what is the underlying factor of hierarchy in mankind?”
Human hierarchy is not a function of intelligence.
First of all, we are not “intelligent” creatures; instead, we are “sentient” or emotional creatures. Our desires drive us, and our intellect is there only to aid and support our desires.
Even the most intelligent genius is driven by desires. We can say or believe whatever we want, but our actual matter, the sole engine that drives us, is an insatiable, all-encompassing desire to exist and to receive fulfillment for ourselves in any given moment. Without this desire, without the deficiencies that need fulfillment, we do not feel existence at all.
Our intelligent mind is there to catalog, sort, and prepare our desires and compute what to do with the deficiencies and their fulfillment.
In this regard, we are all the same. We can even say that we are all driven by the so-called “animate” desires for food, sex, and family and the so-called “social” desires of wealth, power, fame, respect, and knowledge.
But how these desires appear in us, what strength of hunger these desires appear, how much we are willing to sacrifice others and ourselves to get what we want, and what actual conditions and abilities we have to get whatever we want, in that respect, there are vast differences between people.
As a result of these differences, humanity is built according to a pyramid model.
The most selfish, egotistic, and control-freak people who also have the external conditions and internal abilities to force their control over others, to manipulate and exploit others end up at the peak of the human pyramid.
This is how the hierarchy of human society is built.
And to change this, or to change how this hierarchy functions, first, we need to understand our human nature; we need to understand the natural system we exist in. Only then will we be able to make the necessary, positive, and constructive changes that will make human society a “better place”.