What is the “normal life” we want to return to?!

Zsolt Hermann
1 min readNov 5, 2021

Question from the Internet:

“Will everything be back to normal by July 2022?”

What is “normal”?

Was the excessively overconsuming “Matrix” we used to live in, constantly ruthlessly competing, succeeding at each other’s and Nature’s expense normal?

Is a human system stumbling from one crisis to another, always fearing another war breaking out, watching, ignoring water, food and clean air supplies disappearing normal?

Was the unequal, hateful, intolerant alienated society normal?

Was it normal that our children have no humane goals, aspirations besides drugs, computer games, “soulless sex”, gender change, or the incessant “circus and bread entertainment?

Is this really what we want to return to?!

Or perhaps the pandemic, the impending doom from climate change gave us a reason, the opportunity to rethink about life, about the purpose of life, to ask ourselves why we are called “Human”?

Perhaps we received the chance to build a “new normal”, or the true normal, not based on our own, arbitrary, misguided, egocentric, and individualistic illusions, but on Nature’s integral template which creates and facilitates life?



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.