What is the next stage of Human evolution?
Question from the Internet:
“What do you think will be the next event or invention that will alter our society forever?”
First, I will describe to you what that altered society will look like.
The next stage of human civilization is a fully integrated and interdependent society, where we all become like a single organism, where each individual becomes like an individual cell, selflessly and unconditionally serving the rest of the system.
We will not feel this as some kind of a loss of freedom or some kind of a prison or oppression. We will feel this as a liberation from the oppression and slavery of our inherently selfish, egocentric and subjective egos that kept us imprisoned in this dark world with the limiting coordinates of time, space and physical motion. Instead, we will sense a completely new level of collective existence with a collective intellect and a collective and composite perception of reality that encompasses everything above time and space.
This new human civilization will appear and exist within this or in the next generation; actually, it has already started forming. We do not need to alter our biological bodies; we do not need to pass away from this world in order to achieve it. We simply have to become aware of true existence that is already functioning like that; we are just unable to see it or feel it as we are still locked into our inherently selfish, egocentric and subjective prisons, desperately fighting each other and Nature for nothing.
So what will be the next event or invention that propels us into this new, “truly Human” civilization?
This depends on us.
We can continue our blind and instinctive development as we are now, and then a Third or Fourth World War, unimaginable and intolerable suffering will melt people together until we reach the existence in that single organism described above.
On the other hand, we can willingly and consciously start preparing and educating ourselves for this transition, building positive, mutually responsible and mutually complementing interconnections and cooperation above and against our inherent nature — always a step ahead of the otherwise inevitable blows.
Basically, we have to repeat the unique evolutionary breakthrough that happened millions of years ago, when single-cell organisms started combining into multi-cellular organisms for the obvious evolutionary advantage. But what those cells achieved instinctively, by the pressure of Nature’s evolutionary forces, we can and have to achieve consciously, proactively and willingly — above and against our egos.
This will make us the peak of Natural evolution, Nature’s only conscious, fully integrated and interdependent organism that also becomes Nature’s conscious observer and equal partner.