What is the most important “world issue” we need to solve?
Question from the Internet:
“Select one world issue that you think should be ranked among the top five most important world issues of 2022. What are two credible sources about your selected issue?”
The single most important “world issue” — which is behind all other world issues — is our total inability to build positive, constructive, sustainable, global, mutually responsible, and mutually completing interconnections, cooperation.
And this lack of interconnections, cooperation — while existing in a globally integrated and interdependent world within fully integrated Nature — is causing all the problems, crisis situations, wars, and our destruction of Nature.
On the other hand, since building such mutual integration would require us to go above and against our inherently egocentric, subjective, self-serving, and individualistic nature, we would do anything possible to avoid acting, behaving, existing against who we are born to.
Our problem-solving ability regarding anything, our collective survival depends on learning how to exist together as a single organism, despite our egos rejections, separating us with every possible excuse, reason. We will learn this eventually, the question is how much suffering, crisis situations, wars, natural disasters we need to go through before we start paying attention and start consciously, willingly changing ourselves.