What is the “love” that will change the world?
Question from the Internet:
“Can love affect the world and change the world?”
Yes, we could even say that only “love” can affect and change the world.
The only “problem” is that we do not yet know what this “love” is that can truly affect and change the world.
We speak, sing, dream, talk, yearn about “love” each and every day, We think we love and we think we are loved. But in truth, the “love” we comprehend and practice in our world at the moment is what wise sages call “fish love”, meaning that I love fish because it tastes good.
We can “love”, even serve others as long as we benefit from this love, as long as some reward, feedback, acknowledgment some pleasure in return gives us fuel to “love”.
There is nothing notorious, criminal, evil in this, we are born with an inherently self-serving, egocentric, subjective nature, we can do nothing else but to make constant, introverted “pleasure/pain” calculations, and we can move even a finger, open our eyes only when we see that by that we get closer to more, greater selfish pleasures or distance ourselves from pain, suffering.
And this “modus operandi” will never change, the only thing we can change is what we consider “pleasure vs pain”.
For example, a mother can tirelessly, constantly work for her baby, above any personal problems, fatigue, sickness, and her pleasure is serving the baby, her pain is when the baby suffers any lack.
And although this is as close we can get to “true love” in our present consciousness, perception, even the mother’s love is not “true”, since it is driven by natural instincts, nature organized it that way that the mother feels her baby as part of herself — there are even studies showing special cells of the baby that make it through the placenta making this “internal connection” actual — so by serving the baby the mother serves her “extended self”.
The true love we are talking about, the love that can affect and change the world for the better is something we can’t even comprehend by default.
It is a state of total self-annulment, a state of totally selfless, unconditional service of the desire of another, of others exactly how those others want it — without any previous hormonal, familial, tangibly beneficial connection to those others.
It is a state of “love” when the “lover” disappears in the desires of the other, fulfilling them perfectly, existing only for this action — even if that other does not even know about this action, without any feedback, without any acknowledgment.
This “superhuman” love is something we have to learn, we have to acquire from Nature’s system.
After all, it is this “true love” that creates and sustains life in reality, it is the same “love” that keeps us alive through the mutual integration, and mutually complementing, selfless cooperation of our biological cells.
Human beings have to become like a single organism, held together by this “superhuman” — but attainable — love, unconditional, collective, reciprocal service, as only this way, can we become similar to Nature’s fully, mutually integrated system, and our collective Human survival depends on this similarity.
Only this way can we reach peace above instinctive war, only this way can we build harmonious, equal societies despite our individual egos rejecting us from each other, urging us to exploit each other. This will become the “love” that covers all crimes, although all the crimes remain “below”.
Achieving this true, Natural love gives us the greatest pleasure, as by becoming similar to Nature, Nature’s all-encompassing love, balance, and homeostasis flow through our interconnections, giving us a completely new, presently incomprehensible, qualitatively much higher, collective Human existence.