What is the “love” that can keep us together?
Question from the Internet:
“It’s of my opinion that the absence of God’s internalized love in human beings created the genesis of problems the world is facing presently I.e insurgencies, economic hardships, corrupt leadership, etc. Is this applicable for related situations?”
I fully agree with your assumption that it is “true love”, “Godly love or Natural love” that is missing between human beings and this is the root of all our problems.
And here we run into the problem of defining what “love” and what “God” actually is.
If we examine it closely, we realize that we have no idea about either.
We call “love” some hormonal infatuation, some chemical reaction, or a simple attraction towards something, someone that can give us selfish pleasure, fulfillment. If I did not get anything for myself from “loving” someone, something, I would not be able to “love”.
This is how we are programmed, this is how we exist by default, we simply cannot move a finger if we do not expect to receive some selfish reward, benefit from it.
True “love” means a completely selfless, unconditional service of the desires, needs of another, especially another I do not have any hormonal, familial connection, attraction to, serving those “alien” desires needs according to the viewpoint, calculations of that other without any egocentric, subjective bias.
This is something that we are incapable of, we simply have no program in us that could calculate, act beyond self-benefit, unconditionally towards another I am not attracted to.
“God” is a concept we talk about, write about, philosophize about a lot, but at the end of the day our only “connection to God” is through faith, without any actual feelings, foundations. We imagine, “accept” a single, omnipotent source but at the same time, we cannot actually comprehend the notion of a single force determining everything from start to finish, since our subjective ego can’t comprehend accepting a state where the self is not in control.
This is true to even the most orthodox religious people, even they assume some self-control, choice, responsibility and reward and punishment as if there were areas in life where “God” is not present, especially when it comes to judging other people, as if they were created by a different force, or were abandoned by “God”.
All our problems originate from the fact that we assume a certain extent of self-control, freedom to act, and that by default we are capable of “loving”, truly, unconditionally serving only ourselves.
What can we do then?!
We can engage in a unique, purposeful, and highly practical method, that can help us “wake up” from our inherently egocentric, subjective illusion, where we can recognize our total lack of free choice, what it actually means to be under the governance of a single force, according to a single plan. And then we will also recognize and feel that “true love” this Natural force operates by and creates and nurtures life with.
With the help of this unique method, we can seemingly generate, more precisely reveal and recognize, facilitate and strengthen that “true love” that can keep us connected, united, existing as individual cells of a single living organism “permeated by true love”.
Then we won’t need any belief, faith any longer since we will tangibly, actually feel, taste, experience all of this without any doubts. And we will still live here in this world, within the same biological bodies we were born into.