What is the difference between education and education?
Question from the Internet:
“If education is the most powerful weapon to change the world; what can you say when Rizal (Cesar Montano) said in the movie Jose Rizal that “Education… Education… that makes cowards out of all of you”? Give your insight.”
Only education can develop and change human beings.
But of course, there is a huge difference between education and education.
The education we employ all over the world today — together with the overwhelming media, social media manipulation and brainwashing — makes subservient robots, it makes brainless producers and consumers of products from us. This education teaches ruthless competition, excessive overconsumption, success and survival at the expense of others and Nature. We all exist like rats, serving a giant “Ponzi scheme”.
On the other hand, potentially there is a “Human education” that can develop truly Human beings out of us, which Human beings search for, find and fulfil their unique, unparalleled evolutionary Human role, purpose in Nature. This education teaches people how to develop and become mutually integrated, mutually complementing, developing a unique “collective consciousness” that can open reality without limitations.
It is up to us which education we choose for ourselves and for our children.
And this choice depends on the environment, the influence we accept over ourselves. Do we remain in the toxic, self-destructive Matrix of our present society?
Or do we build, strengthen and develop a completely new Human environment based on completely different values we learn from Nature’s fully integrated and interdependent system?
Only one of these choices leads to life, true happiness and fulfilment. The other leads to inevitable self-destruction.